Digitising Manufacturing: Getting from Today to Industry 4.0

Smart factories are critical to future profitability and competitiveness. Manufacturing operations leaders and manufacturing CIOs must understand the components, benefits and risks to deliver value as they apply different combinations of modern technologies with standard work to transform factories.

Zebra paves the way for a smoother digital transformation

Evolve Your Manufacturing Plant in Incremental Steps

Whether you want to transform one area or your entire plant, we can help you achieve your goals today and scale for successes tomorrow. Lean on our decades of experience, leadership in manufacturing technology and end-to-end portfolio to move you forward with greater confidence, simplicity and speed.

Adopt Technologies Faster
Adopt Technologies Faster

Speed up adoption with technologies that are easy to set up, integrate and run.

Synchronise Operations
Synchronise Operations

Create highly dynamic workflows with interoperable solutions that offer full connectivity and operational visibility.

Effortlessly Scale Improvements
Effortlessly Scale Improvements

Build a scalable architecture that yields short-term improvements and long-term transformation across your plant.


Sense what’s happening throughout your plant in real time to instantly course-correct issues. Tap into the power of Zebra’s location solutions, RFID and fixed industrial scanning.

Visualisation and Analytics
Visualisation and Analytics

Convert edge data into actionable insights through machine vision and deep learning software. Mobilise critical decision-making faster with data displayed on rugged tablets.

Autonomous Things
Autonomous Things

Keep workers focused on high-value tasks and let Zebra’s autonomous mobile robots move material, work-in-progress and picks to reduce travel waste and raise productivity.

Let’s build a smarter plant.

One that addresses your top priorities today and paves the way for tomorrow. With Zebra by your side, you can start small, win immediate gains and make a stronger case for future funding and continual transformation.


Disclaimer: Gartner, Innovation Insight for Smart Factory,

By Simon Jacobson, Alexander Hoeppe, 6 March 2023.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.