Success Story

Sogegross Group Deploys VisibilityIQ™ Foresight For Instant, Actionable Business Intelligence

Sogegross Group wanted to centrally stage, manage and update its Android mobile devices in its stores and distribution centres. It also wished to enable access to clear, comprehensive data and assess the performance and usage of its Zebra devices, informing decisions regarding its mobile fleet and drive operational efficiencies.

Sogegross Group


Sogegross Group wanted to centrally stage, manage and update its Android mobile devices in its stores and distribution centres. It also wished to enable access to clear, comprehensive data and assess the performance and usage of its Zebra devices, informing decisions regarding its mobile fleet and drive operational efficiencies.

Benefits / Outcomes

  • Central device staging, managing and updating
  • Provides access to clear data, via scan metrics and device disruptions reports, for example, enables pre-emptive action
  • Improved operational productivity and reduced the number of devices out of use or sent for repair

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