Success Story

Toyota Material Handling Uses Zebra MotionWorks Enterprise to Track and Streamline Product Movements in Real Time

Toyota Material Handling is responsible for producing 180 industrial trucks every day, and products can easily be misplaced among the whirlwind of moving pieces. It worked with Zebra to come up with a real-time location solution that would reliably work in its industrial manufacturing facilities so it could automatically monitor and analyze product movements. Employees can now identify abnormal excursions and take corrective action quickly, a necessity as the company moves toward "smart factory" automation.

Toyota Material Handling


Toyota Material Handling needed to ensure products flowed from Point A to Point Z without disruption or delay to meet production quotas and customer demands. With the right ultra wideband (UWB) and radio frequency identification (RFID) solution deployed throughout its facilities, it would be able to gain a holistic, real-time view of its facilities and product flows.

Benefits / Outcomes

Since installing the Zebra MotionWorks solution, UWB tags and RFID sensors, Toyota Material Handling has been able to automate analysis of product flow distributions and improve excursion response times to avoid disruptions or delays in production and delivery. The real-time monitoring of product movements has also helped the company increase employee productivity, streamline workflows, and meet customer expectations. It plans to expand its use of MotionWorks Enterprise for production, parts delivery and distribution to optimize the tracking and tracing of its entire value stream and ensure every product moves efficiently from the initial manufacturing stage to the last mile of just-in-time delivery.


Toyota Material Handling
Columbus, Indiana/United States


Zebra MotionWorks Enterprise
Zebra Ultra Wideband Tags
Zebra RFID Sensors


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